WWD reports
Pozicioni: Menaxher Projekti PPNEA kërkon të punësojë një menaxher projekti duke filluar nga data 1 Prill 2022. Punonjësi do të angazhohet me aktivitete në lidhje me krijimin dhe promovimin e zonave të mbrojtura, qeverisjen dhe menaxhimin, zhvillimin e qëndrueshëm, kërkimin dhe monitorimin e kafshëve të egra. Detyrat specifike përfshijnë: Koordinimi dhe zbatimi i aktiviteteve në…
DetailsPosition: Project Manager Responsibilities PPNEA is seeking to employ a project manager starting from 1 April 2022. The employee will be engaged with activities relating to protected areas establishment and promotion, governance and management, sustainable development, wildlife research and monitoring. Specific tasks include: Coordinating and implementing activities related to sustainable development of Protected Areas within…
DetailsThirrje për aplikim Pozicion pune pranë PPNEA Pozicioni: Oficer komunikimi dhe marrëdhënie me publikun (PR) PPNEA kërkon të punësojë një oficer komunikimi duke filluar nga shkurt 2022. Përgjegjësitë dhe detyrat: Të angazhohet si përgjegjës komunikimi dhe për marrëdheniet me publikun dhe mediat (PR) në organizatë Të kontrollojë dhe menaxhojë adresat e kontaktit të PPNEA…
DetailsOur team together with partner NGOs and institutions successfully carried out a webinar dedicated to nature-based tourism as well as the great potential that the Albanian network of protected areas has to offer for conducting this environmentally-friendly model of tourism. Part of this webinar was national and international experts who discussed nature interpretation, birdwatching, sustainable…
DetailsCheerful news are coming from the Drino Valley. At least one pair of the Egyptian Vulture has started to visit the first Supplementary Feeding Site for Vultures in Albania built in the fall of 2016. Supplementary feeding is a measure that is being implemented in all the Balkan Peninsula countries where the Egyptian Vulture is…
DetailsPPNEA in partnership with the Bulgarian Society for Birds Protection (BSPB) / BirdLife Bulgaria, thanks to the financial support of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) started from March this year the implementation of the second phase of the project “The Land of the Eagles”. This project has taken off in 2013 with the aim…
DetailsLand of Eagles and Castles: Integrated Participatory Management for Albanian Coastal Biodiversity The center for the Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA), in partnership with the Bulgarian BirdLife partner, Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) started the implementation of the second phase of the “Land of Eagles and Castles” project…
DetailsIn the Slovenian ornithological journal “Acrocephalus” it has been recently published a new article on the breeding ornitofauna of the Protected Landscape Vjosë-Nartë, situated in south-western Albania. This study represents a contribution in the field of ornithology in Albania and a start for long-term monitoring of the ecosystem quality and management practices. The study has…