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10 protected areas you should visit in Albania

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Pozicion pune pranë Qendrës për Ruajtjen dhe Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit Natyror në Shqipëri (PPNEA)

Pozicioni: Menaxher Projekti PPNEA kërkon të punësojë një menaxher projekti duke filluar nga data 1 Prill 2022. Punonjësi do të angazhohet me aktivitete në lidhje me krijimin dhe promovimin e zonave të mbrojtura, qeverisjen dhe menaxhimin, zhvillimin e qëndrueshëm, kërkimin dhe monitorimin e kafshëve të egra. Detyrat specifike përfshijnë: Koordinimi dhe zbatimi i aktiviteteve në…

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Open position at Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA)

Position: Project Manager Responsibilities PPNEA is seeking to employ a project manager starting from 1 April 2022. The employee will be engaged with activities relating to protected areas establishment and promotion, governance and management, sustainable development, wildlife research and monitoring.  Specific tasks include: Coordinating and implementing activities related to sustainable development of Protected Areas within…

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Thirrje për aplikim

Thirrje për aplikim Pozicion pune pranë PPNEA Pozicioni: Oficer komunikimi dhe marrëdhënie me publikun (PR) PPNEA kërkon të punësojë një oficer komunikimi duke filluar nga shkurt 2022.   Përgjegjësitë dhe detyrat: Të angazhohet si përgjegjës komunikimi dhe për marrëdheniet me publikun dhe mediat (PR) në organizatë Të kontrollojë dhe menaxhojë adresat e kontaktit të PPNEA…

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Webinar – Nature based tourism, interpretation and promotion of protected areas

Our team together with partner NGOs and institutions successfully carried out a webinar dedicated to nature-based tourism as well as the great potential that the Albanian network of protected areas has to offer for conducting this environmentally-friendly model of tourism. Part of this webinar was national and international experts who discussed nature interpretation, birdwatching, sustainable…

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New land of eagles and castles

PPNEA in partnership with the Bulgarian Society for Birds Protection (BSPB) / BirdLife Bulgaria, thanks to the financial support of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) started from March this year the implementation of the second phase of the project “The Land of the Eagles”. This project has taken off in 2013 with the aim…

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LEC: Integrated Participatory Management for Albanian Coastal Biodiversity

Land of Eagles and Castles: Integrated Participatory Management for Albanian Coastal Biodiversity The center for the Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA), in partnership with the Bulgarian BirdLife partner, Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) started the implementation of the second phase of the “Land of Eagles and Castles” project…

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New article on the breeding avifauna in the protected landscape Vjose-Narte

In the Slovenian ornithological journal “Acrocephalus” it has been recently published a new article on the breeding ornitofauna of the Protected Landscape Vjosë-Nartë, situated in south-western Albania. This study represents a contribution in the field of ornithology in Albania and a start for long-term monitoring of the ecosystem quality and management practices. The study has…

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Art for life

Businesses in the touristic city of Saranda showed today an amazing support to our cause against the illegal killing of wildlife in Albania for taxidermy purposes. The citizens of Saranda, upon learning about the impact that this phenomenon has in the wildlife and touristic image of the country decided to remove the stuffed animals from…

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One lively painting instead of one illegally stuffed animal

Killing of wildlife for taxidermy purposes continues to remain an widely spread phenomenon in Albania. This has had a considerable impact in the population of different species, particularly the ones being rare and protected. PPNEA has initiated an awareness raising campaign against this illegal activity. The first one to show a great example of awareness…

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Explore Albania

Explore Albania, a video realized by PPNEA in the frame of “Lands of Eagles and Castles” that show the country’s amazing nature and unforgettable hospitality of Albania, published on CEPF newsletter. http://bit.ly/2xqcHLH

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The promotion of the “The Field Guide on Birds of Albania” at “Vitrina e Librit” in Top-Channel TV

“The Field Guide on Birds of Albania”, has been promoted also in the well-known rubric “Vitrina e Librit” – “Book Showcase” broadcasted in Top-Channel TV. The publication of this book, is an important achievement, for the commitment of PPNEA, to increase knowledge, conservation and watching of birds in Albania. But this is simply, just the…

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Eco-tourism trails in Butrint National Park

It has been finalized the marking of the two first eco-tourism trails in Butrint National Park. Now, the visitors of the area, may hike on these trails, discovering the untouched nature, species diversity and wonderful landscapes such as on these photos. This activity has been realized by PPNEA, under the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) founded project…

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The young nature lovers of Butrint magazine

The young nature lovers of Butrint, despite development of many awareness raising and education activities for nature conservation, piloting recycling of plastic, planting trees, organizing artistic event for nature promotion etc, now have also their own magazine, entitled “Nature Lovers of Butrint”. The aim of this magazine is to promote the high nature values of…

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Caves of Karaburun Penisula

This morning in “Wake Up” show, in national TV “Top – Channel” it has been spoken about caves, as very sensitive and important habitats of nature and cultural heritage. Caves are also touristic attractions, and are visited by many tourists. However, development of cave tourism should be of high care and strict management. Unfortunately in…

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Second expedition of breeding bird monitoring in three KBAs

Second expedition of breeding bird monitoring in three KBAs along the Albanian southern coast: NP Butrint, PL Vjosë-Nartë and the high nature value area Vlora bay – Karaburun – Cika Mountain. Along a 10 days field trip, 4 professional ornithologists from BSPB assisted by PPNEA’s field researchers and collaborators, carried out the second expedition for…

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What has not been done so far even from big projects, or from the state institutions, is realized from NGO JONA – Sarandë, under the support of PPNEA, within the CEPF founded project “Land of Eagles and Castles”. Local NGO JONA, in close collaboration with teachers and pupils of “9 Tetori” school in Saranda have…

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Bringer of Spring

“Bringer of Spring”, this is the title of the huge mural (400 m2) painted at the entrance of the main promenade in the city of Vlora. The aim of this mural is to promote the high natural and touristic values of the region. This graffiti inaugurated at the opening of tourism season, is realized by…

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Monitoring of breeding birds in Nartë and Butrint

Continues the monitoring of breeding birds in the areas of Protected Landscape Vjosë-Nartë and National Park Butrint. The survey includes all the habitats of these areas, including: sea, coast, wetland, forest, hills, agriculture areas etc. The data collected so far, by PPNEA and BSPB experts, show the presence of 107 species of breeding and migrating…

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Education panels in Butrinti area schools

When we know how precious and important it is something, then we protect it. For an effective protection of our natural environment it also stands crucial, to firstly learn and know about its high importance and values. As early as we know this, more careful and protective we will become to our nature. Considering this,…

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Kënde informacioni në shkollat e zonës së Butrintit

Kur njohim vlerën e diçkaje, atehere jemi më të prirur për t’a mbrojtur atë. Kështu, edhe për të ruajtur në mënyrë sa më të efektshme natyrën tonë, së parë duhet t’a njohim atë. Sa më herët mësojmë për thesaret natyrore të vendit tonë, aq më të kujdesshëm do të tregohemi për t’i mbrojtur ato. Kështu,…

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The first tourism map of Protected Landscape Vjosë-Nartë

Finally, tourists visiting the Protected Landscape Vjosë-Nartë may have a proper tourism map, for a more complete experience in exploring the area. This is the first tourism map ever prepared for this area. Under its aim, for the development of community based sustainable nature tourism, as a significant mean for sustainable development of protected areas,…

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The importance of the caves

Along the last years, caves have been one of the most threatened and destroyed habitats in Albania. Many caves (particularly the most well-known) in the country have been subject to abuse, such as removal of stalactites for decoration purposes etc, and recently there is an increase of interest for visiting and exploring caves by tourists,…

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The importance of Protected Areas

PREMIERE Enjoy this short film entitled “the importance of protected areas”, produced by PPNEA and BSPB, within the CEPF founded project “Land of Eagles and Castles”.

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Informative tables in Butrint National Park

New informative and touristic infrastructure has been provided for Butrint National Park, within the CEPF founded project “Land of Eagles and Castles”. Informative tables are placed in all the main entrances of the National Park, and one bird watching tour is built. This infrastructure serves to local community, through providing information about the existence, values…

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Workshop for development of tourism brands

From Location to Destination. On December 4th, PPNEA and Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds (BSPB) –Birdlife Bulgaria, organized a workshop for development of tourism brands for the three KBAs on the focus of the CEPF founded project “Land of Eagles and Castles”. This workshop has been developed under the expertize of one of the…

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Training on the identification of wintering water birds

Effective Nature Conservation, demands implementation of well designed actions and policies based on solid knowledge and data. In Albania, at least along the last 25 years has always existed a considerable gap on the data availability, causing though a delayed identification of threats, non implementation of monitoring programs, and a delayed intervention. Without good quality…

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Bird watching, an activity of high economic benefits

Ecotourism is considered as one of the main means to achieve sustainable development of high nature value areas and provide economic growth for the around communities. Nature based tourism includes: hiking in nature, tracking, wildlife photography, bird watching etc. It has been widely accepted that Albania has excellent potentials for development of such tourism branch,…

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Zhytja si një aktivitet turistik alternativ

  Shoqata “SEEP” në bashkëpunim me shoqatën “Ekolevizja” po zbatojnë një projekt të titulluar “Zvhillimi i zhytjes si aktivitet turistik i qendrueshëm”. Granti për këtë projekt është mundësuar nga PPNEA në kuadër të projektit “Toka e Kështjellave dhe Shqiponjave” financuar nga Fondi i Partneritetit për Ekosistement e Kërcënuara” (CEPF). Bregdeti Shqiptar i jugut mbart mundësi…

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Hapja e Zyrës së re të Turizimit në zonën e Peizazhit të Mbrojtur Vjosë – Nartë

Shoqata për Ruajtjen dhe Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit Natyror në Shqipëri (PPNEA), në bashkëpunim me Agjensinë Kombëtare të Bregdetit (AKB) dhe Komunën Qendër – Vlorë, falë mbështetjes financiare të Fondit të Partneritetit për Ekosistement e Kërcënuara (CEPF), bënë të mundur ndërtimin dhe hapjen e Zyrës së Turizimit në zonën e Peizazhit të Mbrojtur Vjosë – Nartë.…

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Vëzhgimi i shpendëve si një aktivitet i ri turistik

PPNEA po promovon vezhgimin e shpendëve si një aktivitet i ri turistik dhe sportiv në të cilin Shqipëria ofron mundësi të shkëlqyera. Televizioni kombëtar “Top Channel” ka ndjekur ekspertin tonë Mirjan Topi dhe Ardian Koci drejtori i PK Divjakë-Karavasta, për të dhënë një paraqitje te shkurtër te avifaunes tonë të mrekullueshme. Permes promovimit te aktivitete…

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Bird watching as a new touristic and sportive activity

This year bird watching is getting promoted by PPNEA as a new touristic and sportive activity on which Albania offers excellent opportunities. The national TV Top Channel has followed our expert Mirjan Topi and Ardian Koci from Divjaka-Karavasta NP, to give a glimpse of our wonderful avifauna. Continuing to promote such activities in Albania, we…

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TRAVEL magazine promote Albania as a country with potential

TRAVEL magazine Albania in collaboration with PPNEA, thanks to the support of the CEPF founded project “Land of Eagles and Castles” will be promoting this year the outstanding eco-touristic potentials of Albania, giving particular emphasis to Bird Watching as a new touristic activity on which Albania holds remarkable resources and offers great opportunities, considering the…

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Hapja e bujtinave në Dukatin e Vjetër

Falë mbështetjes financiare të Fondit të Partneritetit për Ekosistemet Kritike (CEPF) në kuadër të projektit “Toka e Kështjellave dhe Shqiponjave” 10 shtëpi të reja të turizmit familjar do të jenë të hapura për turistët përgjatë gjithë vitit në Zonën e Nartës dhe atë të Gjirit të Vlorës – Karaburun.Shoqata për Ruajtjen dhe Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit…

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Bird migration counts in Albania

In the frame of the CEPF founded project “Land of Eagles and Castles” PPNEA in close collaboration with project partner Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds (BSPB) carried out the autumn bird migration counts in Albania. Migration counts have started for the first time in Albania thanks to this project, which is establishing the bases of…

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