Due to the high interest in the pilot bird identification training held in May 2015 in Albania, in December 4-7th a second course on this topic was organized by PPNEA and the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) / BirdLife Bulgaria. The event was held in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park and implemented in the framework of the MAVA project “Wetland management and Dalmatian Pelican Conservation in the Mediterranean Basin”, in collaboration with the CEPF project “Land of Eagles and Castles”. The course was focused at beginners in bird identification, and aiming to increase capacity of people dealing with eco-friendly tourism, rangers in nature reserves and national parks, from environmental NGOs, and students in these fields. The course was taught by a lecturer from the BSPB, it consisted of four days theory and field trips around the National Park, and was attended by 14 trainees (about twice more than in the previous training). Lectures were focused on wetland birds, many of which were demonstrated during the field trips. Techniques for bird monitoring, data collection and data storing were important component of the training as well. The two bird identification trainings held in 2015 are important steps towards the increased awareness in nature conservation, promotion of ornithological work and bird watching, and building capacity for biodiversity monitoring in the local stakeholders along the Adriatic coast in Albania.
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