TRAVEL magazine promote Albania as a country with potential
TRAVEL magazine Albania in collaboration with PPNEA, thanks to the support of the CEPF founded project “Land of Eagles and Castles” will be promoting this…
TRAVEL magazine Albania in collaboration with PPNEA, thanks to the support of the CEPF founded project “Land of Eagles and Castles” will be promoting this…
Falë mbështetjes financiare të Fondit të Partneritetit për Ekosistemet Kritike (CEPF) në kuadër të projektit “Toka e Kështjellave dhe Shqiponjave” 10 shtëpi të reja të…
Thanks to the financial support by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) within the “Land of Eagles and Castles” project, ten new guest houses will…
In the frame of the CEPF founded project “Land of Eagles and Castles” PPNEA in close collaboration with project partner Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds…
PPNEA organized on 15th November the first participatory workshop in the Key Biodiversity Area of Narta Lagoon. This event is part of a CEPF granted…